Happy Anniversary Mr Man
Today we celebrate our 10th Wedding Anniversary.
We have been through so much together and yet the time has flown by. Our anniversaries have always been important to us, and actually we got married just two days after the anniversary of when we first started dating, so we’ve been together exactly 11 years and 2 days.
We received the loveliest compliment the other day, when someone asked how long we had been married. When we told her, her jaw fell open in shock and she said “I thought you were newly weds!”
Loving Mr Man is just so easy; I’m not sure if we’ve ever had to “work” on our marriage as such. It’s true that every relationship involves a certain amount of compromise, but having to compromise for someone you love so much is never a burden.
What do I love about Mr Man?
On the face of it we have little in common; I hate his taste in music and he hates mine; he likes sport and I don’t; I like dancing and he doesn’t; he likes meat and I like veg; he likes being alone and I like company; the list just goes on and on! But when it comes to important issues we think the same; he has a strong sense of justice and believes that all people are equal. He treats everyone with respect. He’s not impressed by education or social status, but rather good manners and sincerity.
He’s intelligent and creative, funny and good looking; and yet humble, modest, and unassuming. He’s sentimental and romantic, loyal and kind.
Probably the thing I love most about Mr Man is the fact that he loves me, despite all my flaws and weaknesses. I’m still amazed by that fact every day, as he knows my flaws more than anyone else. Ten years on and he still tells me that he loves me every day. He still tells me that I’m special, beautiful, and how lucky he is to have me. He proves that he means it by the way he treats me. How could I not feel drawn to a man like that?
Thank you Mr Man; I love you too. I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world to have someone as special as you. Thank you for marrying me.
Related posts: So Blessed, All Because The Lady Loves...
Read How our relationship began
Happy anniversary, what a lovely post
Thank you UpHillDownDale :o)
Happy anniversary!
Thank you Seaneen :o)
Happy anniversary!!
Thank you Slurry! :o)
*smile gets bigger and bigger with each anniversary wish*
What a good way to end the month!
Thank you Anonymous Mom and Catherine :o)
a good friend of mine find this blog for me 2 days ago, and i haven't finished read all of it. Happy Anniversary ..... I have my tenth anniversary as well on november last year, we celebrated it in hospital when he had his hmmm.... i even could not remember how many time he had his relaps :), but this year hopefully i'll be more lucky ya.... take care, wish us for the best.
PS: i'll give my email if u want to share more... since i have one year older marriage then you :)
Hi there Anonymous. Thank you for your anniversary wishes.
I'm sorry to hear that your husband was an inpatient on your last anniversary - I know how that feels. I guess that's another reason why our anniversaries are so special - it's another year out of hospital and another year that he has kept safe.
I hope you manage to have your special day together this year. Feel free to email me - there is a "Contact me" button to the right on the main page.
Thank you for your comment.
Happy Anniversary to you both.
It's good to see the love and affection you have for your man.
Here's to the next 10!
Thank you Roses :o)
Happy Anniversary you two!
Thank you Mo! :o)
You know, it was a week ago tomorrow and we still have our cards up and a big banner across our living room wall! (that was from a friend)
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